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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Breaking Bad Season 4 Episode 10: "Sauld" Review

As always, this review will contain spoilers you have been warned

So much for Breaking Bad falling off.  After what many fans would agree was a very slow start, season 4 has blossommed into arguably Breaking Bad's best season to date.  Before we get carried away, we do have 3 more episodes, but its hard to believe that they will not be as good as the ones we are lucky to be watching now.  While you can't blame anyone for getting excited about the last scene, the reality is that the entire episode was incredible, from start to finish.  Before we get to the big finale, the other aspects of the episode should be discussed.  Firstly, Skylar is probably guilty of the worst mistake in the show so far (yes the worst) I still can't believe that she told Ted that it was her who sent him the money to bail him out of the trouble with the IRS.  How does the ONE person who has been the most careful and logical about covering up Walt's 'job' slip up so badly?  If she felt bad for Ted, that is still no excuse, Im sure anyone would have let the IRS have him after seeing how greedy he actually is.  Not only is he greedy, he completely ignores Skylar at first and even kicks her out of the office, only one episode after she bailed his ass out!  In my opinion, a greedy scumbag like this will want more and could easily start blackmailing Skylar, if that happens it could be the thing that finally ends (and we all know its ending somehow) Walter's run.  Enough about Ted and Skylar, I agree with Jovan's statement he had when we discussed this episode, this is what he said: "In all honesty, they never should have brought him back" Well said, we move on. 

It took 3 seasons and 10 episodes but at last Walter White admitted he was wrong.  It seems that Jesse's final words from the previous episode really hit Walter hard and for the first time in a long time he was human again.  It really did feel weird feeling sorry for him after all he has done but the acting performance Bryan Cranston put on was nothing short of incredible.  He not only gave an incredibly authentic "I made a mistake" line while crying, he had a monologue that could rival Mike's 'half measures' one.  I actually felt like the actors were father and son and could'nt beleive how into the scene I was, well done guys seriously.  The line that really stood out for me was Walt Jr's, when he said he did'nt mind seeing Walter like this, but he hated the monster he was from the time he got diagnosed.  What a wake-up call for Walter, I mean just wow.  Okay, now that I respected this episode with the minor scenes (if we can even call them that) let's discuss the main ones.  

Jesse, Gus, and Mike (how entertaining are they as a trio by the way?) travel to Mexico to meet with Don Eladio, you may remember him as the guy who ruthlessly had Gus's original partner killed.  After having Jesse show Eladio's cooks how its done, Eladio is so thrilled he decides to throw a party, opening it with everyone taking a shot of some liquor Gus was kind enough to provide.  Now, I do realize Eladio made Gus drink it first, but how stupid do you have to be?  Every single person I spoke to also though it was poisoned right away, but I digress.  Before the meeting we saw Gus taking some pills, which I think its safe to say were some anti-poison meds.  During the party, Gus excuses himself and promptly forces himself to start throwing up (I don't know how effective this method is, but James Bond did it in Casino Royal too, so We'll go with it).  Outside, where the party is happening, people start dropping like flies.  The whole scene is shot beautifly and is only ruined by the fact that we kind of knew what was coming, but that is my only gripe with this sequence.  Once everyone is dead, our (heroes?) characters start making their escape, where Mike is shot and saved again by Jesse.  So now Jesse has to drive a wounded Mike and a very ill Gus out of Mexico... Did I mention we still have 3 episodes left?  I can not wait.

Overall rating for this episode: 10  I debated between 9.9 and 10 due to the predictabillity of the last scene, but the other aspects of this episode more than made up for it.

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