First off, the fact that we were not able to watch this episode as a group is heartbreaking. I think this season has MJ-like potential right now. I mean, where to start? I have so many things on my mind about the show , I guess ill start somewhere and hopefully pull off coherent thoughts. I know you've been to Europe, how many bags did you pack? I packed 1 and I haven't even gone through half of it yet, how the J-shore cast can bring so much shit (9 bags Mike, really?) baffles me. Are they not rich? Just buy what you need in Italy. The fact that Snooki can drive stick and Deena seems to be the only one to understand how to use converters seem important to me? why? I have no clue, I guess I just never pictured them knowing those things. At various points they showed Mike, Vinny, Paulie, and Ronnie sitting together in one row of seats in a car, how they accomplished this I do not know. Now that we've gotten the little things out of the way lets get to the good stuff. For the first time I actually found myself saying "JWOW!" I mean, did she hire Turtle's personal trainer? Its a whole new person. The whole cast seems to be self aware enough to start taking care of themselves (never in a million years did I dream that Snooki would be running up stairs and doing crunches). The Situation Snooki 'situation' came out of left field, I mean the guy prides himself on grabbing Vinny's sloppy seconds, and single Ronnie and Sam...ahhh I want it to be true, I really do, but I'm not holding out hope, I say by episode 3 they have some drama that will take up 20 minutes of the episode. In all honesty, if they start another 'SAMRON' I say its time for 2 new cast members. Moving the show to Italy for this season turned out to be an absolute home-run, the show seems fresh and good again. But enough of random thoughts I have some questions for you.
Do you think that this season will live up to the clip 'this season on Jersey Shore' we were treated to at the end of the episode? And if so would that make it the best Jersey Shore season?
Are Pauly and Vinny the best Reality show room-mates of all time in terms of not causing Drama and just having fun?
How fast did you say "that wont last" when you heard that Snooki has a boyfriend? It took me 3 seconds.
If you had to spend a weekend in the house with the cast how would you manage?
First of all I wanna say how glad I am that Jersey Shore is back. I was legitimately excited last night while waiting for the show to start. For better or worse it has become a part of my life these last 2 and a half years.
Thoughts on last night's premiere episode: I thought it was very enjoyable, first episodes are usually slow but i found most of the episode entertaining including the scenes with them on the way to Italy. The scene with Ronnie and his boys and their making fun of him for crying last season seemed like the most genuine part of the show. Also, why did the girls fly to Milan instead of Florence? That made no sense and ensured the guys got first dibs on the rooms but it did give us Deena falling over twice which for some reason I found hilarious. There's a better chance that we get a full NBA season then a full season of Jshore without a Ronnie and Sammie hookup and subsequent shouting match that makes you feel uncomfortable watching from home which is too bad because who doesn't love single Ronnie? I think i'd watch a full hour of him saying stupid shit while drunk dancing. Also how did you not mention how out of it the Situation seemed at the club? A failed hook-up with Snooki seemed so un-sitch like, well not the failed hook-up part but the way it looked like he had legit feelings for her, strange stuff from the Situation. The fact that Snooki knows how to drive stick is surprising but possible, Deena's comment on the converters sounded like she was reading it from a card (and i'd bet that the producers told her what to say before they started filming). I agree with your opinion that the move to Italy has reinvigorated the show, I think its because this show is way too popular in the states for you to feel like you're watching a reality show especially when you see the large crowds that follow them everywhere they go in Jersey. In Italy I doubt that they are even known a fraction of much as they are here which makes the show more authentic. The clips from this season looked great (the one thing that is sad about this season is no Roger, enjoyed his addition in season 3) although for some reason Jersey Shore is the one reality show that i watch where i don't want any drama between the castmates and this season looks full of it (how unnerving is the clip of the Situation flipping out? it's like seeing Tim Duncan go berserk).
To answer your other questions, any reality show relationship has around a 10% chance of staying together during the filming of said show but with Snooki i think it drops to about 2%. I think i'd have to say that Pauly and Vinny are if not the best then definitely in the conversation for best reality show roommates. Out of anyone on the show i would only hang out with those 2 (and maybe Roger). If i had to spend a weekend in the house I'd probably try to chill with Vinny and Pauly the most, i would also ask everyone's opinion on complex topics such as the debt ceiling just so I could hear 10 minutes of confused silence.
Finally some questions for you:
How many times do you think Snooki ran up and down those stairs? I had a conversation with someone about this last night and I said 3.
Who do you think is the least valuable person on the show? Most valuable? This isn't your favourite and least fave person but whose departure would hurt the show the most? the least?
Do you think a whole new cast would make the show better? worse? the same? That's what they're doing after the season after this one and I don't know how it'll work because i think that this cast has transcended the show. This is why none of these other copycat shows have become popular even though they all have the same basic premise.
And finally why do you like this show (i tried to think of a concrete reason why i like the show so much and couldn't really think of anything)? and why do you think it has become the cultural phenomenon (nearly 10 million people watched the premiere last night and at one point all top 10 trending topics on twitter were jersey shore related) that it is?
I'm gonna switch things up and answer your questions first,
Im gonna say that Snooki went up the stairs at least 8 times if not more. My reasoning is that she actually looks much thinner than she has in the past, and seemed to be into her work out. She also stated
that she works out once per day so I believe that she is being legitimate about it.
Least Valuable has to be Sammie Sweetheart, no question about it, in 3 seasons she has not brought anything to the table (except the awkwardness you speak of) and I honestly think that if you replaced her with anyone else it would be fine. Now, the MVP is a tough one, but I'm gonna go with 'Situation'. Why? Because last year we openly questioned why there weren't more scenes with him (dancing with the stars took away his screen time) In my opinion, outside the show he is the only actual 'star', he always causes drama while never getting sucked into it (this season catches up to him it looks like). The scenes where he cooks are usually great and he coined the term 'grenade'. Single Ronnie would have been the MVP but 3 seasons of SamRon killed him here. I think if he left the show it just would not be the same.
As for a new cast, I don't think they can turn over everyone at once. We saw that Deena is a success in place of Angelina, but if we replaced everyone at once it would not be as good because we would ultimately judge the new cast based on the old one (and being the originals they would be very hard to beat). Just the fact that they were the first to do this 'shore' thing will make them the best bar-none.
And its funny, I was actually going to ask you about Jersey shore fans and how I think they fall into 3 groups: loyalists, bandwagons and haters. Loyalists always watch and are in no way ashamed, band wagoners pretend they don't watch when they are with haters but express love for the show when chilling with loyalists, and haters just plain hate even though they've seen every episode and know all the catch-phrases, I have yet to meet a person who is truly a Jersey shore atheist. To actually answer the question, I like the show because in a way they represent the general younger (18-27) crowd. Think about it, all they really do is shit that we do but they get filmed. The reason its such a cultural phenomenon is that we can relate to these people much more than we think. Whether it be Vinny and Pauly, or guys/girls out there who have been unfortunate to be in the SamRon situation, Its just a matter of admitting that despite the drama, these people have fun and in the end that's all we want.
Getting back to the show, I think that Tim Duncan analogy is spot on, the only other athlete that could have fit it would be Tom Brady. The Milan thing was weird, I think the show's producers had a good idea of who THEY wanted to get to the house first. Sitch does seem out of it, but remember hes getting up there in terms of years (he is 30!) And outside the show he is the most mature (he negotiated their contracts at one point) So I think that he finally decided to settle down and if Snooki's the one well hey power to him. One thing that has to be mentioned is how good that club looked, and the fact that Vinny is the only one that can get game across for all the guys is pretty funny and theoretically he should have the best year. Him stepping over Snooki in a bath towel did not even make me flinch, I fully expect Vinny to be the MVP of this season. Less Roger is a disappointment but we know that he will visit so that should be good.
Final list of questions for you go as follows:
Do you think that the cast-mates are rigging the deck for Situation to fail at this point?
How do you think the Deena Pauly thing will play out?
Does JWOW look better now or before? Her face seems a bit off am I the only one who thinks this?
Finally, How many potential hook-ups will those stairs ruin? I'm setting the O/U at 2.5
I agree with your separation of the jersey shore fans into 3 groups (all the haters have one gripe about the show, "it's stupid" which doesn't make a lot of sense since half the stuff on tv is stupid including a lot of the popular scripted shows,) and somewhat with your reason as to why it is so popular. The one thing that doesn't make sense is then a show like The Real World should be much more popular than it is if we as an audience are looking for relatable peers on televison.
Moving on to your Situation question, I don't think that any of the other castmates would purposely try and make him fail. Mike consistently finds himself in uncomfortable situations (i tried to find a different word then just gave up) because of his personality and need to be the main focus of the show. This explains his bizarre behaviour last year of talking to dogs and letting them shit all over the house. A clear plea of attention which makes me disagree with you that he's settling down. I feel that we'll see a lot of unnecessary drama-filled moments this season all because of Mike's behaviour.
The Deena-Pauly thing will play out like this: Deena will somewhat fall for Pauly and one night she'll get a little too drunk and do or say something that will understandably scare Pauly off. I feel like we've already seen this sort of thing on the show before.
Jwowws face has always been questionable at best. I think this season she looks more or less like she's looked in the past. Sammie is still the run-away best-looking girl in the house in my opinion.
And for your final question, I'll reply with another one, how many hookups will happen at the bottom of the stairs because of their length?
Excited for the season.
We thought this would be a good place to stop, we could go on but we should probably save the good stuff for later, like the show will.
This was millenniums first 2-author post, by Daki and Luka
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did anyone else find it really awkward how mike choose the one on one with roonie (the guy who he has so much tension with and whos gonna kill him in a few eps), and he says the reason he told him is because roonie is the one he tightest with in the house, i feel like hes a loner everytime he comes on screen