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Monday, August 19, 2013

Breaking Bad Season 5 Episode 10: "Buried" Review

As Always, these reviews will contain spoilers. So if you have not gotten the chance to watch this episode and do not wish to have anything ruined, stop reading now and come back once you are caught up. You have been warned.

It was always going to be hard to top "Blood Money" (The episode preceding this one) and I feel like a lot of episodes would seem worse when the bar had been raised so high the week before. Having said that, I probably liked this episode more than most of the people I discussed it with after watching it. In every sense, "Buried" is a set up episode that needs to exist to string us along to the next major event of the series. It contained a lot of substance with very little flash.

After a brief scene of a lucky individual finding the cash Jesse was distributing, Robin Hood style, across Albuquerque, and seeing Jesse in his patented 'down on the world' state, the episode picked up literally where it left off last week. Now, I do not know if they plan on having all of the episodes this season directly pick up where the last one ended, but I will say that I really enjoyed it and the way in which it was done. Hank wastes no time in trying to gather the evidence against Walt and immediately calls a shell-shocked Skylar to recruit her to testify against Walt's crimes. Fearing for her own freedom, Skylar refuses to be interrogated and creates great tension between herself and Marie (who is obviously upset that Skylar wont help close the case on why Hank was shot, although I think trying to take the baby was a but much).

The rest of the episode is a classic Walt-scrambles-to-cover-his-tracks episode that was a staple of the early seasons. He recruits Saul's 'security' to transport the money over to him in a van so that Walt can bury it in the desert. After that, he and Skylar agree that the best course of action would be to stay quiet, as Hank does not have concrete evidence against Walt. Problem solved right? Not if Lydia (dime) and Todd (child murderer) have anything to say about it. Lydia takes the meth quality problem into her own hands and visits Declan's meth enclave in the middle of nowhere. Now, even though Declan's crew was smart enough to blind-fold her, they were not smart enough to make sure she did not have anything else on her, say a tracking device, that could cause their enclave to be found out. So Lydia's solution to the poor meth quality? Kill everyone on this side of the business in an attempt to re-instate Todd as the main cook, so that her Czech Republic buyer will continue to buy the meth from her.

This is where we could have gotten an awesome scene of Todd and his crew having a gunfight against Declan's crew. Sadly, we got no such scene. The scene we did get was: Lydia cowering in a corner of the underground Meth lab and then refusing to open her eyes for the carnage once it was over (might be time to rethink your life choices Lydia). Yeah, can't really blame anyone for being disappointed here. We did get an amazing cliff-hanger at the end of the episode however, as Hank entered an interrogation room that was holding Jesse. What happens from this point is anyone's guess, I would really like next episode to open with Jesse and Hank in the interrogation room, which would continue the trend of an immediate continuation that we have seen over the last three episodes. One final thing: There is a very cool theory circulating on the internet that points out that Walt takes on the traits of people he has killed (cutting the crust off his sandwiches like Crazy-8, Driving a Volvo like Gus, taking his hard liquor on the rocks like Mike used to). I will just leave you with the fact that in the flash-forward scene from last week's episode he was wearing Jesse's jacket and using an ID with Skylar's maiden name. Six episodes left.

Overall score for this episode: 7.9/10 Nothing spectacular, something tells me this will be the lowest rated episode of the season.

Best Scene: Let's go with Lydia orchestrating the desert massacre

Best Quote: "Please don't let all I have done... be for nothing" - Walt

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