Possible spoilers ahead (I’m not going to mention what did happen, but rather what didn’t happen in the movie, so not much is being given away).
James Bond joins Indiana Jones on the big screen for a movie where the two of them fight against aliens. It sounds ridiculous, yet exciting at the same time. The idea is original to some extent, since it takes place in a Western setting with aliens; however, it’s still the same idea as every other alien movie (they attack the humans). The commercials weren’t very convincing for me; I was on the fence about whether or not to see the movie because I had no idea how good or bad it would be. Westerns are rare these days, but so are quality alien movies (Battle: LA was alright, but nothing special). It’s the first time in the last few months that I went into a movie not knowing what to expect and how much I would like it. I’ve stopped caring too much about what critics think, because it really doesn’t matter unless a movie is rated so low that you know it’ll be bad. Even poorly rated movies can satisfy, depending on your taste. This movie is not a 44% as its rating on RottenTomatoes stands, but you do know what you’re getting when you go see this movie. There are no major surprises.
If you don’t know the premise for the movie, aliens attack a Western town and kidnap some of the residents. Daniel Craig teams with Harrison Ford to go chase after the aliens and find those who were kidnapped. For the majority of the movie, Craig is unsure of who he is, or where he got the bracelet that’s powerful enough to destroy the alien ships. He has flashbacks throughout the movie which explain his past so you don’t have to worry about that part not being explained. Harrison Ford plays a tough cowboy who’s pissed off for most of the movie (which makes him pretty funny). He also one of the stupidest, yet funniest lines in the movie: “Gold? That’s ridiculous! What’s he going to do with it? BUY SOMETHING!?” I mean, it’s kind of obvious that he’s going to buy something with it. It doesn’t serve very many purposes. Regardless, both actors were solid in the movie and made it more entertaining. Olivia Wilde was looking good as always, and Sam Rockwell is known to be a good actor. When you have Craig and Ford together in a movie, you don’t really need any more well-known or popular actors to make the movie good, but their inclusion (Wilde and Rockwell) made the movie better.
There are some things that tick me off though about the movie. One of the characters is not human, but takes the form of a human (nothing has been given away, don’t worry), and it is never explained exactly where they came from or what their true form is. You just have to sit and watch this character, knowing they’re an alien, but dying a human. A little more explanation would have been appreciated. The second problem I have is with the aliens’ decision to come to the planet. They come for one of our resources and I don’t see how it would be beneficial to them. It’s not explained why they are mining this resource; so again, you’re left with no explanation. At least in Battle: LA, you know that the aliens came for our water (with which the Earth is abundant) and that it helps power their ships and devices. Regardless, those are the main two issues I have with the movie, as a proper explanation would have made the movie more understandable. As it stands, all I can say about the movie is that it’s an entertaining summer flick, but clearly the writers were too lazy to think of any ideas to help explain the movie.
The CGI wasn’t done properly either in some scenes. At times the aliens looked real, but then at other times you could tell they were computer generated. The aliens are fairly important in the movie (they’re also in the title), so I don’t know why they chose not put more money into making them look more real. This movie had a greater budget than District 9, yet in that movie, the CGI was done almost to perfection. Maybe they were too focused on assembling a great cast rather than working on the smaller things, but there are clearly small improvements that could have been made to make the movie better than what it is.
It really depends on your taste whether or not you’ll choose to see this movie. The beginning is purely a Western, which I didn’t mind, and it seemed to have decreased in quality once the alien chase began. It’s entertaining, with solid actors, and I don’t mind having spend $12 on the movie. I enjoyed it, and if you’re a guy, you should too.
Score: 7/10